LIDAR Forest Inventory Pilot Study
LIDAR Forest Inventory
In 2018 the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF) announced the Province of Ontario was shifting its Forest Resource Inventory (FRI) process to a LIDAR based product. Sumac was retained by Rayonier (Rayonier) in partnership with the OMNRF to complete a pilot study testing and refining the newly created Vegetation Sampling Network (VSN) plot design. Work entailed locating and measuring 250 plots in the Romeo Malette Forest located near Timmins Ontario. The VSN plot design includes 4 plots types collecting a wide range of attributes including: soil/substrate, lesser vegetation, trees, forest health, and wildlife. All plots were located using sub-meter GPS equipment and included 360° photography.
About Our Company
Sumac provides high resolution remote sensing, survey and inventory solutions to assist companies who need answers to spatial questions.